Accept and join the #sparkherchange challenge! Become an active participant by joining the movement and impacting the lives of women who have endured unfortunate experiences. Together, we believe we can accomplish our goal of distributing 10,000 bags to spark change, hope and love to 10,000 lives.

One bag represents a life and it only takes $10 to cover the cost of a spark bag. It starts with you!



Together we can spark change.

Whether you are an individual or part of an organization or a community group, you have what it takes to make an impact. We can't wait to partner with you!

If you do not have the time but can spare two cups of coffee this month for a bag that can impact lives for good, please donate now. Or if you are reading this and don't have either but know of an organization with recipients that we could serve, please contact us now.

Join us - share this page and share the challenge. By providing the tools needed to empower women who have lost all hope, we all win. 10,000 lives!

Make a difference. Create a domino effect. One life sparks another, causing a chain reaction and delivering hope and love to those in need.